Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 8, 2013

Week 5 - Bee Inspection

as each saturday approaches, we read in our books what should be expected, this week
it is possible to have the bottom brood box at 70%+ full and then adding
another one on top would be necessary....keep reading....

great picture of busy BEEs in my hive....plenty of larva (capped and not capped)

here is the QUEEN Bee in my hive....notice how on the WORKER Bees
in the picture that their wings are just about as long as their body, but on the
QUEEN, her abdomen is so long her wings only go part of the way down
...she also has that black ball on her back.

here is Ross' hive.....this is a great shot of Burr Comb that the Bees create,
I have to use my hive tool to break it apart...if you look in the lower right
part of this picture you can see honey coming out of the comb and the
Bees are taking a drink.....

here is a closer look....isn't that just AMAZING!!!

here is the QUEEN Bee in Ross' hive....Looking good!!!!

Ross' hive was at 70% (meaning that the Bees had created
comb on at least 7 of the 10 frames) so I got to add another
Brood Box to the top...this has 10 more frames in more
Bees are being born each week, they need more hive
wasn't ready, but it was exciting to add one to Ross'.

hopefully next week we can add another brood box to mine...
we are having a Blast working with the Bees each
all the chaos with thousands of Bees buzzing around it is
Amazingly relaxing....I wear my suit each week and no stings yet!!!

Pleasant Dreams!!!

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