Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May 8, 2013

very excited about tonight's blog......

everything you need to start a Beehive......

this is how we got it from Dadant Bee Supply.....then Ross
put each piece together and put a couple coats of paint on them....

here are the individual pieces and what they are called......starting from the
bottom of the hive and working our way up.....

(this sits on top of a cement paver)
we chose the screened version so that debris could fall all the way
through the hive and out the bottom and not stay on a solid Bottom Board

HIVE BODY "Brood Chambers"
these are where the BEES live...the QUEEN will lay her
eggs in these chambers. Honey and pollen will be stored on the
FRAMES for the BEES to live off.

Once the BEES fill each of the 10 FRAMES, then we will add
another HIVE BODY on top of the first.

here is a closer look at a FRAME....the yellow part is called the FOUNDATION and this
is what holds the honeycomb that the BEES will make

this is put on top of the HIVE BODIES so that the Queen cannot go
up any higher in the hive and lay eggs.

these are the same as the HIVE BODY, just smaller....this will
hold 9 FRAMES.....this is where the BEES store the honey that WE get
to keep.....again like in the HIVE BODY...once they fill one up, you add another.

here is a picture of them side by side.....
HIVE BODY (left)

this creates a dead air space for the BEES....insulates from hot or cold

HIVE COVER "Telescoping Cover"
this fits over the Hive snuggly and holds everything in place

all the pieces put together before being painted.....

in these HIVES will be a working BEE cool is that!!!

we will keep adding Story after Story onto the HIVE as the
need arises.....

for now.....we are here....just the one HIVE BODY!!!

Tomorrow.....we talk TOOLS that are needed.....

Pleasant Dreams!!!

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