Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December 18, 2012

Ross and I worked in Detroit all day today, Love it
when we have a super productive day together!!!


As we come to the end of 2012 and finish my
Living off the Land blog, I will be doing some yearly
totals and recaps......tonight it is the.....


the seeds were planted in the greenhouse on April 6th

the plants were placed in the garden on May 26th...the garden is
50 feet long and 25 feet wide....with a fence running through the
middle for the beans to grow up on.

we planted.....canteloupe, watermelon, honeydew, cucumbers,
tomatoes (4 types), bell peppers (2 types), hot peppers (5 types),
onions (3 types), potatoes (3 types), lettuce (4 types) and cabbage.

the garden produced 1,400 lbs of food...AMAZING!!!

we ate a bunch, canned a bunch and gave a bunch away.....

this year the weather was very hot and dry...so we watered just about
everyday...this total does not include any fruit from the trees, as the crazy
temperatures in the spring killed off ALL the fruit.

the best part of it.....we are still eating the lettuce and potatoes!!!
we ate the last of the tomatoes last night!!!

Pleasant Dreams!!!


  1. Will you keep the blog going? I have enjoyed keeping up with the Valentines thru your blog. And you know what.... so have several other of your new found Miller cousins!

  2. can't believe the year is almost up! wow!

    How did you keep the tomatos this long?

  3. @cindy....it wont be an everyday thing like this year...but will continue to post recipes and new adventures at the farm

    @marian....we put over 100 green tomatoes in the basement in brown paper bags....we were able to eat about 1/2 and the other 1/2 went to the chickens
