Friday, November 30, 2012

November 30, 2012

hit the 50's today....that is warm for the end of
November in Michigan...the weekend is supposed
to be even nicer....Ross and i were commenting this
morning about how we could not remember the last
time it rained...hope we get some kind of precipitation soon.

went to work with Ross today...we have been in the Embroidery
Service Business since the late 80's and in business for ourselves
since it was Great today to see a couple of customers
that have been with us since the beginning.

we stopped at this cool bridge over a stream in
Northville Michigan....

on the way home we were talking about recipes that
haven't been made yet and how we only have 1 month left in the year,
so Pecan Pie was the choice for tonight....

Pecan Pie : pie crust recipe on January 26, 2012
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup karo syrup ( I use the DARK)
1/2 cup honey
3 beaten eggs

beat all of these ingredients together in a bowl.....add in...

1/2 cup melter butter
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp lemon juice
2 cups pecans (chopped)
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp cinnamon

whisk it all together.....pour into a 9 inch crust....

 Place some whole pecans on top....just to make it look nice....
Bake at 325 for 90 minutes....

cool before serving......WOW... it was delicious!!!


with today being the last day of November, it was time to add
up the Chicken income and expenses for the month....
so...$82 came in and $80 went out in feed....a small
profit this month, but a profit of any size is good.

I kept track of the eggs that we used here at the farm or
gave away this was 10 dozen for November...
it it normally about 5-6 dozen...but because of the holiday
cooking and eggs for breakfast when our friends were in,
we used quite a bit more.

Pleasant Dreams!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

November 29, 2012

today is our 300th post...WooHoo!!!!

our Grandson Max turned 7 today...Love you bud!!!

this is our busy time at Tri-State and we are so
very grateful for the business....

Thursdays are busy in the evening with lots of
Church it is nice to be home with
a fire going and posting some more Christmas
pictures ..... these are some of the bigger
decorations.....gotta have a Santa....

and Nutcrackers off ALL sizes.....

guarding the doorways....

up the stairs....

along the shelf in the kitchen...

Pleasant Dreams!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 28, 2012

Jasmine (our chocolate lab) is doing MUCH better...
we are believing for a complete recovery from her stroke...
THANKS for everyones prayers!!!

after work it was straight to the kitchen...
trying to get some breads and cookies into
the freezer.....this time of year you just don't know
when there will instantly be a house full of people...

Banana Nut Bread and Cranberry Lemon Bread

and a couple trays of Chocolate Chip Cookies that will
be cut into bars

because the kitchen was crazy...Ross cooked his Steak
on the stove in the Parlor....

Pleasant Dreams!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November 27, 2012

been a rough few days around the farm....
yesterday in the midst of the 1 year anniversary of my brother
Mike passing, our chocolate lab Jasmine had a stroke...
the left side of her body just stopped working...

got her to the vet this morning....have some pills for her...
he said the next 24-48 hours will tell what her recovery will
look like.....

she is doing a whole lot better this evening....she made
it all the way back to the library...Thanks for the
thoughts and prayers everyone!!!


all the animals must have a sense that something
is not right....all the dogs are hovering around
Jasmine and several of the chickens hung out at
the house and office today....just crazy how they know!!!

Ross made beef potpies with some of the leftovers....
no recipe...just put the beef, gravy, our little potatoes from the
garden and a bunch of veggies in
and let it cook for 1 hour....Yummy!!!

Pleasant Dreams!!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

November 26, 2012

Today...the blog will be a tribute in pictures to my brother ...
Michael Patrick Miller
born December 28, 1960 and passed suddenly
on November 26, 2011

the pictures are in no particular order....





and the last Miller Family picture taken at Angela & Brad's wedding
in July 2011

the last few days have been hard with not a lot of sleep,
this poem came to me last night....

One year ago today, the Lord took you home
and we still find it terribly hard some days to go on.

While we stay and finish our race, We miss your smiling face.
You left us all, family and friends, a lifetime of memories
and for that we are so pleased.

Your personality was always over the top
and once you hit the dance floor, no one wanted to stop.

We Thank You for your love, grace, generosity, compassion and so much more
and we, as your loved ones will carry that torch.

We will cover Rhonda Squires Miller, Angela Lynn, Brad Schneider, Brandon Miller, Chad Miller and David Miller in prayer, and love when we can feel your presence near

I have wonderful memories from when we were young,
and for the numerous pep talks you gave that helped to shape who I have become

You are missed more than words can say, but the LOVE that you planted for 49
years continues to grow each and every day, and we, as your family and friends will continue
to cultivate and water that Love Mike.

We will meet again in Heaven....Love...wendy

Sunday, November 25, 2012

November 25, 2012

today is my 47th Birthday.....

our friends left for home this morning
and then I was off to church until 1pm...

this is my grandpa Allen Ott Miller holding
me in Oct 1966 at 10 months old

here I am with my bunny at 18 months...

and my favorite dress for my second birthday...

took a nap for a bit when I got home from church, watched
some football and then off to dinner with Tim & Cheryl...

Had a GREAT day!!!  Thanks everyone!!!

Pleasant Dreams!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

November 24, 2012

another brisk day....a little snow but nothing accumulating....

did more CHRISTmas decorating....


Rose Room


Master Bedroom

Front Room

Grandkids Playroom

here is a picture of the front of the house....
you can see the tree lit up in the cupola...
and 3 of the other trees through the windows...

while Kelsey and I were decorating in the house, Ross and
Kory were in the woodshop working on a birdfeeder....

for dinner we had steaks on the grill, mashed potatoes and corn (from
the garden) rice, mushroom/onions and was yummy!!!

then after dinner it was YAHTZEE time.....

our friends leave for home tomorrow....we had a blast!!!
Come back anytime!!!

Pleasant Dreams!!!