Thursday, November 8, 2012

November 8, 2012

had a crazy busy day today.....most Thursdays are this way....

in the midst of it all we had to can the green tomatoes...

we decided upon green tomato pickles.....we have never
had this before but it sounded like a good idea....

we did 3 different kinds...

this is what we normally make all of our pickles from...
good ole BALL....dill and bread & butter....

cut up the tomatoes into wedges and made the rest of the
 bread & butter mixture from this container....

enough for 3 quarts.....

did the same thing for the dill mixture that was left....

enough for 5 quarts....

now the problem was....we had a boatload of tomatoes cut
up and ready to go with no we went on line....
found a recipe that we kind of liked and then enhanced it....

this one said to put the cut tomatoes, onions and salt in a container
and let it sit for 6 - 12 hours....

we put this all in the pan about 10am....then went to work ....

Green Tomato Pickles (sweet): canning
17 lbs cut green tomatoes
2 large onions ~ cut in slivers
1/2 cup pickling salt

now for the stuff that makes up the juice... 

2 lemons ~ seeded and cut up
2 1/2 Tbsp celery seed
7 1/2 Tbsp mustard seed
2 Tbsp dill seed
10 cups vinegar
5 cups water
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 cups brown sugar

mix this all together and bring to a boil.....meanwhile the salt in the tomatoes/onion mixture has created water.....drain this out....but do not rinse the tomatoes.....put the tomato/onion mixture into hot quart jars and pour the hot liquid over the top...leaving 1/2 inch headspace.....put on lid/ring and process in a boiling water canner for 15 minutes... made 9 quarts and 1 pint......we had liquid mixture left...but ran out of tomatoes.

they look amazing....will let you know how they taste in a couple of weeks
when we open up a jar.

Pleasant Dreams!!!

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