Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 14, 2012

the mornings have been cold...mid 20's...getting only into
the upper 30's low 40's for highs...well below what is average
for this time of year.

went to church early this morning to set up the Christmas decorations....
saw a couple of deer in the far field and a coyote about 50 feet from the
side of the road... LOVE living in the country.

today is our grandson Hayden James Justin Valentine's
1st birthday....Love you buddy!!

made a cookie cake to take over tonight....

tried a different recipe for the frosting....I normally use one that has milk in it....
found this one in a stack of recipes from my Mom.....THANKS!!!

Vanilla Frosting : family recipe
2 sticks butter softened
2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1 Tbsp vanilla

mix your butter for 5 minutes (this is the key)..... then add the powdered sugar in a bit at a time...once it
is all added in...add the vanilla and mix for 2 more minutes....Tasted Wonderful!!!


we lost power again at came back on about 5:30am...
so this set my timer off again by 3 1/2 hours....
these power outages are really messing with my chickens...
their timer comes on at 5am so that they are assured at least
12 hours of light a day....we will see how no morning light affects their egg
production tomorrow.....still getting 18 - 22 eggs each day...

today was 22....woohoo!!!

Pleasant Dreams!!!

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