Thursday, November 22, 2012

November 22, 2012


We normally go to Missouri for Thanksgiving...but this year we had
our celebration here at the farm....our son Joe and his family came over....

and some friends from Minnesota joined us as well....

we had Hor Dourves for Thanksgiving Lunch....3 different
kinds of chicken wings, shrimp and cocktail sauce, cheese/cracker/sausage tray,
chips & dip, chicken strips, french fries, chips & salsa

but for dessert...we kept it traditional.....made the apple pie from
our frozen fillings from last year....

then onto the pumpkin pie.....I have never made one before....
I froze the pumpkin earlier this month....

Pumpkin Pie Filling : this is for 2 pies
4 eggs
1 cup sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp cloves
32 oz pumpkin
24 oz evaporated milk

mix everything together.....pour into 2 crusts.....bake at 425 degrees for about 15 minutes...then reduce the oven temp to 350 degrees and go for about another hour....remove and refrigerate

all 3 ready to serve.....made whipped cream too....


Kory digging up the horseradish root to make the cocktail sauce....

then Lindsey, Kelsey & Kory did chicken chores!!! THANKS guys!!!

picked the rest of the lettuce from the garden tonight....
gotta love still having fresh lettuce on November 22nd.

I  have 7 lettuce plants that I moved into the greenhouse,
so we should be good for another month!!

Pleasant Dreams!!! 

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