Friday, October 12, 2012

October 12, 2012

we both had a crazy busy day at Tri-State....
then off to work in the garden....

gotta love living in the country.....a neighbor dropped
off some pumpkins from their pumpkin patch......beautiful!!!

today I removed all of the tomato plants in the garden...the plants
along the house are still doing fine....we didn't have enough cloth
to cover all of the tomatoes in the the frost got them...

picked 89 lbs of green tomatoes....

these will be used in a couple of recipes.....check back tomorrow...

there were another 49 lbs of tomatoes scarred too bad by the frost....
I put them in buckets and leave them in the green house for a week or
so and the tomatoes start to turn red and soften....then they will be fed to
the chickens.

picked the rest of the watermelon as well....25 more lbs....this was
our best year for watermelon EVER!!!!

all the tomato cages are stacked.....the dead plants are ready to be wheeled
to the fire pit and I got caught taking a break.....

in this picture below...taken 3 months ago....I am standing in the same spot where I am
sitting in the picture above.... I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone....

we covered the pepper plants, lettuce, cabbage and tomatoes
by the house.....just 1 more night and then we have 7 days of warmer
temperatures at night...

and then because there was 45 minutes of daylight left, we mowed the front
part of the property...Ross on the zero turn and me doing the push mowing...
never a dull moment....hopefully this will be the last mow.

Pleasant Dreams!!!

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