Monday, August 20, 2012

August 20, 2012

Happy Monday.....busy schedule here today.....since we started the blog on January 1st, 2012
we have not been gone from the farm for over 48 hours.....we are getting ready to head
to Ross' family reunion in Minnesota....we will be gone for several days and we want to
Thank everyone in advance who will be taking care of the farm while we are away....


so after a long day of work and a trip to drop off my car for an engine light
issue....then picking it back up (keep in mind that the car shop is 25 miles 1 way)
we had to pick the garden.....cucumbers (24 more lbs)
and green (snap) beans.....

then, of course, because we are running out of time to get everything done...
at 9 pm ...I washed them, Ross snapped them and we started canning....

Green Beans : (canning)

fill a quart jar with beans cut to whatever length you desire
1 tsp salt in each quart if you desire
we add a 1/4 tsp of pickle crisp to each quart to keep them crisp

add boiling water to each quart.....remove air bubbles and put hot lid and ring on tight

process in a pressure cooker at 10 lbs for 25 minutes

this is what they look like after being canned.....I normally wash the jars before I take the picture
but tonight it is too late to you can see some of the residual from the well water...

to date.....the garden has produced 160 pounds of tomatoes....
and 164 pounds of cucumbers...and there is a whole lot more to come...

Ross and Jasmine sitting on the porch at 10:15 pm awaiting the green beans to be done

Pleasant Dreams!!!

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